Howard E. Greenberg

Howard Greenberg

Attorney in Smithtown, NY with 40 years experience

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About Howard E. Greenberg

Howard E. Greenberg practices bankruptcy law in Smithtown, NY, at Howard E Greenberg. Howard is a member of the New York bar with 40 years of legal experience.

Practice Areas

Bankruptcy Law
Business and Corporate Law (Franchises)
Consumer Protection and Fraud
Contract Law
Criminal Law (Speeding and Traffic Tickets, DUI)
Debt Collection
Employment Law (Wrongful Termination)
Personal Injury Law (Wrongful Death)
Real Estate Law
Mediation and Arbitration


State Year
New York1985
1985, US District Court, EDNY
1985, US District Court, SDNY


Hofstra University, Class of 1984, JD
Long Island University, Class of 1981, B.A.

Contact Howard Greenberg

Howard E Greenberg

180 East Main Street
Suite 308
Smithtown, NY 11787   get directions