Costa Mesa, California Personal Injury Attorneys

Compare 228 attorneys and 22 law firms in Costa Mesa , CA. Sort by highest rating and years of personal injury experience.

Theodore Wallace Jr.
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 62 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Thomas Phelps
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Manatt Phelps and Phill with 61 years experience

695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Richard Curnutt
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 59 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

John Hurlbut Jr.
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 59 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Milford Dahl Jr.
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 59 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

David Bosko
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Sheppard Mullin Richter and Hampton with 59 years experience

650 Town Center Drive, 4th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Jeffrey Matsen
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Matsen Voorhees with 56 years experience

695 Town Center Drive, Suite 700, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Richard Ackerman
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 56 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Warren Platt
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Snell and Wilmer with 55 years experience

600 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Roger Grable
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Manatt Phelps and Phill with 53 years experience

695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Robert Braun
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 53 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Finley Taylor
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Sheppard Mullin Richter and Hampton with 53 years experience

650 Town Center Drive, 4th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Douglas Easton
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at W Douglas Easton with 53 years experience

650 Town Center Drive, Suite 1850, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Thomas Salinger
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 52 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

David Cooksey
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Cooksey Toolen Gage Duffy and Woog with 52 years experience

535 Anton Boulevard, 10th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Steve Edwards
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Manatt Phelps and Phill with 51 years experience

695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Martin Thompson
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Manatt Phelps and Phill with 50 years experience

695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Clifford Frieden
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 50 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Ira Rivin
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Rutan and Tucker with 50 years experience

611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Ellen Marshall
Costa Mesa personal injury attorney at Manatt Phelps and Phill with 49 years experience

695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Need help with a personal injury claim?

If you’ve been harmed by another driver, from a defective or dangerous product, or by the actions of a person or business there is no law or rule that you must hire a personal injury lawyer. You always have the right to represent yourself, but that doesn't mean it's a wise choice. Since personal injury attorneys often work on contingency, it is likely in your best interest to consult with one to determine whether or not you have a case. Better to be safe than sorry. Because you must file a lawsuit within a certain period of time and evidence is best preserved closer to the date of the accident, be sure to consult with a local attorney as soon as possible.

Need an attorney in Costa Mesa, CA?

Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from people just like you. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best fit. If your needs are more limited and very specific, consider a smaller firm. Speak with several Costa Mesa personal injury attorneys to find the one that is best for you.

Ask yourself the 3 C’s:

  • Credentials ‐ How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours?
  • Comfort ‐ Who are you most comfortable working with? Is the lawyer’s office nearby? How and how often will they get in touch with you?
  • Cost ‐ Have expected costs and fees been clearly explained to you? It’s OK to ask for an estimate.